What We Do

milkProducing milk is our passion, our business and our livelihood. In our vision you can only optimize milk production with a healthy herd. Ensuring that you have a healthy herd starts with excellent care from the moment a calf is born. Everything we do is geared to align with that vision.

Our cows are a key part of that team! They work hard for us and we have to work hard for them. We believe that they deserve the highest possible quality shelter and feed. Breevliet Ltd. works with animal nutritionists to ensure balanced nutrition. Weekly visits by our veterinarian ensure the health of our herd. We are constantly accessing the advice of professionals to ensure the highest quality breeding program.

If you are interested in what a day on the farm looks like then check out this short video:
A day in the life of a Saskatchewan Dairy Farm (a farm very similar to ours).







Alberta Milk

Dairy Farmers of Canada